Main Street again

Main Street

Was Ballinrobe a prosperous town in 1910?

Listen to what Willie Hughes said about business during the Second World War

The first hotel on the right is called the Commercial Hotel
What does this suggest?

Would you say the girl in the white pinafore or the boy with his foot on the box are alive today?


Photo taken in 1980 by Bud Land and Agnes Goehle Land

Look at the street as it was in 1980
What changes have occurred in the past 25 years?



This view is looking back at the hotels, taken in 2006.
The big one is larger today, but the Commercial Hotel is now a flower shop.


Here is the same street, taken around 1890 by Thomas J. Wynne
Do you think the people seem reasonably well off?

Why, do you think, is everyone looking at the photographer?


Find this doorway in the photo above
(It is on the left-hand side)


This building would date from around the time of the Wynne Pictures.
What tells you that this photo was taken recently?


map: Main St