Glebe Street

Glebe Street

Was it necessary to make this a one-way street?

What does Glebe mean?
Does it suggest that a Protestant rector lived near here?

Actually, his church and house were on Main Street

What would it be like if carts like these were used to transport goods today?


Here is an older view of Glebe St., taken by Mr. Wynne around 1890
It is taken from farther up the street

Can you see one disadvantage of using horses as the main form of transport?


exposed stonework

Can you find this detail in the old photo above (It's to the right of the man beside the children)
What has been done to the plaster on the building?
Would it be a good idea to expose the whole facade (face) of the house?
See what happened to the house on page 16!


map: Glebe

You can see Glebe Street on this map, but the Glebe House is on another street
Can you find where the rector lived?