Litir 29.10.17
A Thuismitheoirí, a Chairde,
Hoping you will be able to have the time to read through this info. letter to up-date you on our school events this term, and during the year.
Céad Míle Fáilte roimh gach duine ar ais chuig an Ghaelscoil, agus tá súil agam go bhfuil gach duine sona sásta. I hope that everyone is steadily progressing. Special fáilte to our new Naíonáin Bheaga nua agus a dtuistí.
School opens at 8:50-pupils need to be punctual, well-groomed wearing uniform/track-suit with lunch, homework/pencils/copies/school books in ‘mála scoile’ for class teacher daily. Don’t allow pupil to fill bag with unnecessary items.
.Roinn Oideachais: Whole School Evaluation School Report is available at this link
Electronic Roll Books: Rolls called at 10am daily. Please work with staff.
1. Child will need to advise class teacher in advance of appointment by presenting diary to the class teacher in the morning. Parent is asked to fill in details on pages 18-21 of School Diary in advance.
2. Absences must be logged by parent in diary, so that child can present it to the class teacher on the child’s return to school after absence. This policy is required for rolls.
Read updates/school policies on Diary, and further information is available on school website, Look at Dialann Scoile under School Policies and in particular read Points 1-24 availabe in English and Irish for main items for school going pupils and parental advice and guidance to follow for your information.
Points 1-24 should be read, so that parents and staff are all working well together in the best interest of your child and their education see link available in both English & Irish .
We wish to thank sincerely the Scheme of Workers who worked on the prefabs. during the summer.
Féach: suíomh scoile do ghriangrafanna nua-see school website for all the school news.
FÍS maith an obair le Rang 6 agus fís nua ‘Nazaret’; Comhghairdeachas MGearóid ‘ads archive’fís included in Helix presentation going live for first time this year on Nov.16.
AGM Tuistí: Thank you to all the parents who attend, to those who served on the Coiste and all the best to Coiste 2017/18. Please continue to support the Coiste who are working to support all our school parents, pupils and staff. ‘Ní Neart go cur le chéile’, ‘great strength when we are united’ ‘many hands make light work’.
Jeramy Pagden Talk was a great success, well attended, thank you to the Coiste for organising.
HSE: School Screening Naíonáin Bheaga.
Dreancaidí/Headlice: See Attached leaflets from Publlic Health Nurse:
Dreancaidí: Headlice:Oideachas, Traenáil agus Eolas: Irritating for children, frustrating for vigilant parents who don’t want their children to get them, horrid! To stamp them out in the school community everyone has to be on the same page, working together: checking daily/weekly, treating, and monitoring, maintaining headlice free zone together.
As a school we cannot advise any one particular product, as it may not suit everyone, so parents are asked to check these out the following suggestions for themselves. All children are different, may re-act differently.
Mar scoil ní féidir linn product/táirgeadh amháin thar ceann eile a mholadh. Caithfidh tuistí a gcinneadh féin a dhéanamh. Tá gach páiste aonárach.
Seo eolas a fuaireas le roinnt le tuistí: Information to share with adults/pupils.
To get rid of them-try a mixture of tee-tree oil mixed with cider vinegar, put in a bottle, use a special fine comb, hair needs to be checked, checked and re-checked very ofter until they are gone, seek professional advice, use products as advised in chemist. Chun fáil réidh dóibh-bain úsáid as T-tree oil meascaithe le cider vinegar, agus cuir i mbuidéal, is gá cíor speisialta a úsáid, is gá an ghruaig a sheiceáil gach lá go dtí go bhfuil siad imithe, moltar eolas profisiúnta agus leigheas speisialta a úsáid.
Ionas nach dtiocfaidh siad ar ais/ Preventative: T-Tree Headlice Defence€4.90 nó/Eile
Ionas nach dtiocfaidh siad ar ais:/Preventative: Headrin ‘Protect and Go’ is a conditioning spray, Headlice protection, can be used every day as Headlice Protection, €7.00.
Coinnigh conditioner sa ghruaig, coinnigh gruaig fada ceangailte suas. Keep hair tied-up and keep using lots of conditioner.
Billí na Scoile:
Book Bills- issued in June 2017. Full/Part-Payment of bills-Books, Swimming and Heating bills may be paid over the school year at a time that is financially convenient for families.
Swimming and Insurance/handouts/rental bill are due.
Last date of Swimming Classes: Monday: 23/10-5 classes this year, money paid for the two swimming classes will be recycled and utilized for worthwhile events eg. Linnenhall/shows/Christmas Annuals, which will save teachers and parents the bother of refunding swim money for two classes missed due to All-Ireland day off and Ophelia closure.
HeatingContribution/Síntiús Teasa: €30 per family.
Payments may be made electronically for parental convenience-OR
Payments are made by putting the exact amount in an envelope with the child’s name written in Irish, nature of payment, and class printed on envelope for all monies to school. Eldest child brings it Laura, Rúnaí na Scoile, who will issue a receipt which the child brings home. Children like to be involved and encouraging responsibility is good for them. Children are trained to bring the airgead to oifig AM. We are asking all families to train and to ask the eldest and all others in the family to bring home the news of what is happening in school, it is good to foster oral communication with the children during the tea-time. Is there any message from Múinteoir today? What is it? When is it? Etc. It forms a bond with your child and a positive home-school link, that is more powerful than the electronic text message.
Special Target for next half-term: GAEILGE: Dhá shúil, dhá chluas, dhá lámh, dhá chos, dhá theanga-gan amhras! Sin Scoil Raifteirí!
Pupils, Parents and Staff in Scoil Raifteirí actively converse in Irish so that our fluency keeps improving.
Gaeilge líofa, Irish fluency at all times in school from the minute we enter geata na scoile, until we leave Scoil Raifteirí grounds.
Sainéide Scoile/Uniform and Track suit wearing
Respect, courtesy, excellent behaviour at all times
School work and Homework to be presented well.
Gaeilge: Comhoibriú ag téastáil! Gaeilge le chéile!
Holloween Holidays approaching and we are actively working on our Irish fluency.
We are implementing our Rial na Gaeilge with enthusiasm, as we want our pupils to achieve the highest standards of fluency. To achieve this we are asking for your active support and participation. Irish is caught-use it or we all loose it! It is practice. Children need to reply to our questions using full sentences in Irish. ‘Sea’ is not enough! We need to hear as many adults as possible in the school environs using their Irish. We encourage people to speak it and practice as example for our children from the gate entrance, until children vacate through the gate exit daily. We will be in touch with you in the event of children being negative re. speaking of Irish.
Unfortunately, some children from R1-R6 may receive a wake-up call-who are consistently speaking in English through receipt of lines, and after three transgressions, if there isn’t an improvement there will be a lunch-time detention of 20 minutes. Pupils in Rang 2-Rang 6 are fluent, and there is no excuse for speaking English. Trofaí na Seachtaine gach Luan-NM-R6.
Refer to Dialann Scoile, read up and please support school policies re:
School Car- Park KEEP TRAFFIC FLOWING -Drop-off-Pick-up;
Label Uniform/Track-suits; Healthy lunches-Four children with annapens and confirmed peanut allergies-NO NUTS ALLOWED in S.R;
Absence/Lateness/Appointment forms; Obair Bhaile checked signed by parent Mon-Thurs. R1-R6.
Sign pages of Diary re: Anti-Bullying Promise for Classes R1-R6 only;
Sign parental permission forms re. Data protection, photographs, trips, Internet,
Ranganna-Return Filled and Signed Yellow Forms Info. to Class teachers.
Fill out information on form should your child attending any specialist, eg. Speech Therapist, a copy of any relevant report would be useful for the class teacher to support the child’s learning at your earliest convenience. Should a child struggle with learning, discuss with class teacher, may be referred to speech therapy/other services for advice.
· Amantaí Scoile: The school is open to receive pupils at 8:50am. No responsibility is accepted for pupils arriving before that time. Pupils walk into grounds (no running), line up and assemble at doors. All pupils assemble at the main front doors where we expect to hear Irish conversation at doirsí na scoile. Classes commence daily 9am. Roll Call is taken by class teacher at 10:00am daily. Classes end daily at 1:30pm for Naíonáin Bheaga agus Naíonáin Mhóra, and at 2:30 pm for R1-R6. Time keeping is monitored by class teacher, latecomers disrupt class, and we are asking that parents ensure that their children attend school daily and on time. The school cannot accept responsibility for looking after children after school hours.
Making an Appointment to see Class Teacher:
Parents may contact us by e-mail, phone, appointment, and contact will be made with you should there be any need to or any concerns from a teachers point of view re. school matters. We ask that parents who wish to discuss any issue concerning their child to make an appointment with Laura, Rúnaí na Scoile, to see the class teacher in the first instance so that matters can be discussed in a spirit of openness and co-operation. Parents are advised not to over react, or interrupt class, and are forbidden to approach a child of another parent to solve an issue, it is imperative that parents use the proper channels. We appreciate a word from any parent at any time in the best interests of our school re. school related matters that concern you. In the event of emergency, contact oifig by phone or e-mail, and we will make contact with you by phone/text, as needs determine. Keep school up-dated by yourselves should there be any changes regarding three contact numbers, change of address,e-mail etc. by e-mail to Laura at or to for contact.
Trealamh/Equipment: To avoid unnecessary hassle, eg. car trips etc. we ask you to make sure that the children wear appropriate attire and have their bags, books, lunches, swimming, sporting and musical instruments with them in the mála on the appropriate days, LABELLED and be responsible for their own stuff. Children have been asked to bring the min. req. with them to school-to promote walking/lightweight málaí scoile.
Sabháilteacht/Safety in Car-Park Area: Exercise extreme caution when driving into the grounds for DROP-OFF and PICK-UP. Parking cars-pull hand-brake and put car into gear to avoid run-a-way cars across the car-park area. Watch out for fingers/jackets/coats that may get caught in the car door. Safety of children is paramount and all adults are asked to hold the hands of pupils using the car-park area at all times. To avoid fatalities/injuries all drivers are asked to follow policy in the Diary-page 15 regarding the School Car-Park arrangements. Bus drivers, Naíonra have received copies. Beware of dangers!
School Calendar/Feilíre na Scoile: See Dialann/Féilíre/Website.
Cruinnithe Aon-le-hAon Mon.NOV 20 and Wed.22-by appointment; Coirmcheoil agus Aonach na Nollag Thurs.7/12: 5:30-8pm.
Do this in Memory, refer to your leaflet:Do This in Memory Mass Scoil Raifteirí choir and grúpa cheoil-uniform-on 17/12/17. Pupils participating are asked to sit at the top right-hand corner of the church by 10:15 ready for 10:30am Mass time. Pupils are also required to receive communion respectfully as taught for First Holy Communion.
School closed on Tuesday 9th January 2018 – Professional Development day for teachers.
Sacraments: First Holy Communion: Sunday 13/05/18 12:00; Confirmation Friday 27/04/18 at 12:00. First Confession-date to TBC.
Letters/Text/E-mail re. NB info. goes home with the eldest child in the mála scoile/Obair Bhaile in Diary. Check diary Monday-Thursdays for obair bhaile, and for messages which R1-R6 children will write into the obair bhaile diary, children will be asked to bring home message to you written/verbally as passed on by class teacher/PO. It is the usual practice that e-mails referring to items will also be on website/parent notice board outside school/sent to your e-mail addresses so you can easily refer to them. We want and need all parents in the loop, please keep yourself updated re. e-mail/website for new items.
Clarú/Enrolment for School Years Ahead: 2018/19, etc. You can let interested people know that wish their children to attend Scoil Raifteirí that places are open and available for prospective pupils and parents may avail of these places by making appointment with Lára, Rúnaí na Scoile so that Enrolment Form may be filled out. Birth Cert is required. Prospective brothers and sisters are enroled automatically by letter/e-mail to school: Ainm an pháiste/Name, Dáta BreitheDOB, School Year Placement, Concerns/Resources/Reports applying to your child.
Contact me with all enquiries regarding available places in Junior Classes for 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/2021. Parents are asked to inform me should children be moving into the school or should they be leaving the area.
Imeachtaí Scoile: During our years in Scoil Raifteirí, fundraising has helped us through tough times, and is a vital necessity. We appreciate the attendance of AT LEAST ONE parent/family member/friend to support any event organised.
Cuntaisí Scoil Raifteirí Aug.2016 available in second term for your information. Contributions/donations/sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Múinteoirí, páistí and tuistí appreciate very much all the support since 1983. Our past pupils have done us proud in recent examination results, and recent results I heard of 8 students who got 8A1’s in the Leaving, past pupils of SR, toradh iontach sa Ghaeilge ach go háirithe, and in these difficult times we wish all of them well in their future studies. Coinnigh suas é! Beatha teanga í a labhairt! We are thrilled and delighted to hear about all the A’s sa Ghaeilge.
Rollai and Absences: See Dialann/Reports to TUSLA/NEWB (20 days absences). Amended to two reporting times.
Child Protection Policy: Guidelines and Procedures for Child Protection and Welfare: “Children First Guidelines” operate in this school. If there is a matter of concern in relation to the neglect/abuse of children we are obliged to report this matter to the Health authorities. Child Abuse exists because of one or more of the following: Neglect due to lack of food, clothing, warmth, hygiene, intellectual stimulation, nurturance, supervision, safety, absences from school, whereby the child suffers significant harm; Emotional Abuse due to child’s needs for affection, approval and security being unmet by parent/carer; Physical Abuse where child is assaulted/injured deliberately; Peer Abuse-Bullying-Repeated Aggression; Cyber Abuse; Social Abuse; Homophobic abuse; Sexual Abuse/child is used for sexual gratification of another.
Imeachtaí Scoile/School Activities:
Damhsa-WEDNESDAYS €2.50 per lesson, €5 family- Bernadine&Thelma.
Snámh: 6 rang. R2-R6 Luan completed and well done!
Feadóg Stáin Múinteoirí R2-R6, tiúnacha don pharáid/see website.
Iománaíocht: MONDAYS-Kevin; Foireann Scoile R4-R6 le Pádraig.
Ríomhairí Naíonáin-R6 lena múinteoirí féin.
Cór agus Grúpaí Cheoil: Múinteoirí Gearóid, Pádraig.
Ranganna Seach-Churaclaim/Extra/Optional Curicular Activities:
§ Scileanna Peile/Iománaíochta: Traenáil Peile usually happens in first half of 1st.term. Pupils will be told by training teachers to bring in gear a day in advance.
Tuesdays-Gearóid, Wednesdays-Pádraig. We will try to give advance notice of cancellation which happens occasionally due to wet weather/heavy pitch.
*No after school training until next term TBC, weather permitting.
§ Cleachtadh Piano Máirt/Deardaoin le Múinteoir Celine 086-3365103, €12 an cheachta, Lessons for R3-R6 and for R2 if space is available. Enquiries regarding spaces for R2 to Celine’s number, and parents are asked to confirm to Celine, if child is continuing piano classes. All classes in the afternoons.
§ Ceol Ghaelach: Múinteoir Nollaig Kilkenny 087-7807983 gach Céadaoin €40 don téarma seo, R2-R6 Seomra Réamh-dhéanta, am lóin.
Mo bhuíochas le: Fionntán Ó Murchú agus le gach baill ar an mBord Bainistíochta; Máire Uí Shúilleabháin /Foireann na scoile;
Claire/Coiste na dTuistí, agus le páistí agus tuistí na scoile don chomhoibriú. “Ní neart go cur le chéile”. Co. Mhaigh Eo ABÚ!
Guímid gach rath oraibh do saoire na Samhna. We wish you happy holidays and enjoyment on the November break. Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday November 6, refreshed and ready for working together with Gaeilge le chéile in Scoil Raifteirí.
Please see the school web-site for all the pictures.
Enjoy the Happy Hollowen together.
Beir Beannacht,
Máire Treasa Uí Dhálaigh (PO)